Thank you!

SHOCK Club is done for the summer! Our Change Drive for Echo Glen Children’s Center was a huge success for us and we want to thank our club members and those who donated! Please join us for the 2012-2013 school year in September 2012!

Echo Glen Change Drive

SHOCK Club is planning a change drive for Skyline High School where the change collected from Skyline students will benefit the children’s center at Echo Glen! Please help this drive be a success by getting your friends to collect their change and bring it in to their first period classes! The drive is May 7th to 11th at Skyline High School.


SHOCK Club is the new club at Skyline High School.

SHOCK stands for Skyline High’s Outreach Community of Kids. SHOCK is branched off the ideas of BLMS’s BLOCK Club and GenJoy.

Our goal in this club is to help communities near and far. It’d be easy just to tell people to bring stuff to those who are less forunate, but it would be a better experience if Spartans actually had the chance to help with planning out events/fundraisers/humanitarian drives to help others.